Wheat 2nd class (12.5%)
Basic indicators:
Humidity - no more than 14%
Grain admixture - no more than 8%
Cereal grains (cereal admixture) - no more than 3%
Sprouted (cereal admixture) - no more than 3%
The quality of gluten is no more than 90 units. VDK Ave
Mass share of raw gluten - not less than 23%
Mass fraction of protein in terms of dry matter - not less than 12.5%
Nature - not less than 760g/l
Damaged by the turtle bug - no more than 1.5%
Garbage admixture - no more than 2%
The number of falls is not less than 230s
Other indicators in accordance with DSTU: 3768:2019
Soot, aspergillus, infection, ragweed are not allowed
Our network of grain collection points covers different regions of Ukraine, providing a convenient and affordable opportunity for farmers to sell their harvest. We are located at strategic points in the country to ensure maximum convenience for our customers
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